An old Fiat Bravo 2008 have lost all keys. Most OBD key programmers can only program its remote, but cannot program chip key. Can only write start key.
Step 1: Remove BSI
Dissemble the BSI under the dashboard which is made by Magneti Marelli company.
Remove BSI and open it, locate 8-foot CPU, be careful to find chip 95160. You are required to read the CPU 95160 chip data.
Solder CPU 95160 chip and read data by ecu programmer, i.e VVDI Prog and save data
You can use Xhorse VVDI2 full or TM100 key programmer to write key. For example, you use VVDI2, upload 95160 data just read.
Select region:Europe,Fiat-Bravo,2009-95160, then you will see key number and position etc info.
Select unused key position, follow prompt to insert a brand new 7936 (ID46 chip) into VVDI2
Confirm Yes if VVDI2 ask you to generate dealer key.
Generate key success and generate new 95160 chip data. Write the new data back to 95160 cpu chip.
Re-solder the cpu and reinstall BSI.
Write key success.
Step 3:
Use other key programmer to program remote, i.e X300.
This is how to generate a Suzuki remote ID47 and test frequency using VVDI Key Tool remote generator English version.
Xhorse key tool for sale:
Vvdi key tool remote maker price: $249.99
Vvdi key tool functions confirmed:
Edit transponder, clone transponder, test frequency, clone Remote, generate remote, generate garage door remote controller, unlock smart card….ALL WORKED!
How to use vvdi key tool to edit transponder and test frequency:
This is the key to be generated
Go to TP Edit
Put the original key into the coil
It’s ID47 (Hitag 3) Unlocked 7983
Read failed
Back and go to Special TP
VVDI Special TP
Generate 7936 model with xhorse SN00 can be used for special ID36
Press OK button to generate
Can’t find SN002
Take the remote away the coil and put it into the coil again
Burn success
TP Edit
Special TP
VVDI Special TP
Generate 7938x model with xhorse SN02 can be used for special ID47
Press OK button to generate
Burn success
TP Edit: It’s ID47 (Hitag 3) Unlocked 7983
Remote prepare
ACENO 2016- chip47
Type: ASK, Frequency: 433.0MHz
Wireless to generate remote
Frequency test
Mode: ASK, Frequency: 433.89MHz, Power: -89dBm
Xhorse vvdi key tool successfully edit transponder and test frequency
Here is the example on generate old MG3 3 buttons 433 remote key by using Xhorse VVDI Key Toolremote generator Chinese version. English version now is available as well. Just for sharing…
Generating remote process:
1.Open VVDI Key Tool remote maker, select “Remote Generation”
2.Select vehicle country/ region,i.e China
3.Select Vehicle Make:MG
4.Select model: Old MG3 433
5. Connect VVDI key tool with vvdi mini remote programmer, click on generate
6.Select corresponding remote type, wireless or wire remote
7. After select generation remote, vvdi key tool will generate barcode automatically , take a photo of the barcode
8.Use decode device to decode the remote key with the barcode.
The new generated remote is almost the same as original remote with barcode.
Q: Can Anyone tell me which is latest software version for Mini Condor cutting machine, please?
VVDIShop engineer:
The latest software version for Condor XC-Mini automotive key cutting machine goes to V4.0.1.
Free Download Xhorse Condor XC-Mini V4.0.1 Update Tool!C1A0gSpI!bb86UgrV1zP7oF-VIpp1jrPrN-lU1jNWqXTfdzrA4lo
(Condor XC-Mini with serial number KM03xxx can run upgrade via the Update Tool directly. As for the Condor with S/N KM02xxx, you should wait several days to run update using the same update tool)
Supports Multi-languages (Provide S/N to change language): Portuguese/Spanish/French/Germany/Czech/Arabic/Turkish/Dutch/Polish/Bulgarian/Norway/Slovakia/Italian/English/Chinese( If you need to change language,please provide us with your serial number ,we will help you activate new language)
I am repairing Mercedes esl by using VVDI MB BGA Tool key programmer, but this is giving error in this process.
Error “Cannot find erase password”
Internet connection required when calculating key password using VVDI MB.
VVDI MB Tool software V2.1.6 highlights:
Easy steps for re-matching ESL after Formatting or matching Xhorse ESL/ELV Emulator without any need for getting Erase Pass or taking the risk of Rewriting EIS via IR any more
vvdi mb tool
vvdi mb bga tool