Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Max is supported to transfer files to PC via USB. Generally, all files are acquiescently saved in the internal memory path: Xhorse/share/Mini_prog/year/memory type. Example may as below:
But this path is not available from Windows file manager.
4 steps to move Xhorse Key Tool Max files to PC
Now your file is in folder, you can easy access from Windows.
Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Max + MINI OBD Tool can add Toyota Vitz 2017 3rd GEN 4D+ CAN smart key easily in 2 mins. The operation procedure also works for Toyota Vitz 2010+, Axio 2014+, Prius 2009+, Aqua 2011+, Prado 2010+ vehicles.
A working key & a new Toyota 4D 8A Smart Key are required.
Plug MINI OBD Tool into OBD2 interface.
Connect to VVDI Key Tool Max via Bluetooth.
Go to MINI OBD Tool page,
Immo programming >> Toyota >> Select by type >> Smart key system >> Type 3(8A/4D+ CAN) >> Start execution >> Add a key
Please switch ignition on.
The number of registered key: 2
The number of keys that can also be registered: 5
Keep touching the ignition switch with sign surface of a working key, completed within 30s after clicking “OK”.
Keep touching the ignition switch with sign surface of a new key within 30s.
If key sound once, take the key farther away;
If key sound twice, it’s programmed successfully.
Key detected, programming…
Please keep the key touching the ignition switch.
Make sure all steps are completed.
Wait for registration to complete.
Key registration succeeded!
The number of registered key: 3
The number of keys that can also be registered: 4
Remember to check the functions of smart key, all are normal.
This is how to use VVDI Key Tool Max with MINI OBD Tool to add a Toyota 4D+ CAN key.
How-to: programming the transponder chip on Volvo FH12 2010 Euro5 truck under all keys lost situation using xhorse vvdi key tool max.
First time I tried to generate an xhorse vvdi super chip as a PCF7935 but it didn’t work with the Alfa Romeo 166. Then i generate the xt27 as ID44 Volkswagen. That’s how it worked.
1. Generate super chip as ID44 Volkswagen
Insert super chip into vvdi key tool max
identify chip type PCF7936
Go to Generate transponder function
Generate as ID44 Volkswagen
Generate remote success
2. Write key with VVDI2
Now you can write key with vvdi2
insert super chip into vvdi2
Go to Immobilizer Data Tool
Upload EEPROM data
Make dealer key
Select PCF7935
Program dealer key success
Now the key can start car
Read also: Tips to write Super Chip as PCF7935 to BMW
How-to: generate remote, read pin code and program a spare remote key on a Citroen C3 2010 with xhorse vvdi key tool max and mini obd tool.
Original remote
Xhorse universal wireless remote DS style
Step 1: Generate remote
Got o Generate remotoe- Citroen- C3 (2014-2016) 0356 FSK
Generate xhorse wireless remote succeeded
Step 2: Read PIN code
Connect vvdi mini obd tool with the vehicle and go to Xhorse App
Go to Immo- Citroen/DS- Password reading- Type 3 CAN (add key)
Turn ignition off
switch ignition off and wait for 5s, then switch on, repeat these precess
Read 4-digit password success
Step 3: Program remote
Go back to Citroen/DS- Select by model- C3- Type 2 (CAN)- Key programming
Switch ignition ON with original key
Program 2nd key success
Exit if don’t want to another key
Test remote control and stat vehicle