ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

Which Xhorse Key Cutting Machine is Better for Motorcycle Key

 It really doesn’t have any for motorcycle keys. What is a good key cutter for motorcycles?


Here’s the clue.

Xhorse Condor and Dolphin key cutting machines are mainly fro car keys, but also have a few motorcycle and household keys are on database.

Xhorse Key Cutters Review on Motorcycles


The Xhorse key cutter are the cheapest it been the most reliable and most accurate key cutting machine, it also boots the quickest and has done 99% of the keys people need.

In Condor mini plus has some Motorcycle data included. So does Dolphin XP005XP005L and Condor II.


You can use universal duplicate to duplicate a motorcycle key. You can also create custom key data.

You can create custom bitting with the app, We’ve been doing Honda and Suzuki motorcycle keys with the Condor.

You can search and download my Suzuki bitting in the app, it’s under “Hayabusa”.

Custom Key Tool for Condor XC-Mini is perfect for double sided keys or high security. You can find all the measurements of your key blank on InstaCode.

It does not have many kawasaki keys database, you need Instacode as reference to get a key blank code and then on the Cut by Bitting menu search for that key blank HON77 for example.


Condor XC009 also makes all vertical motorcycle keys.
As for key programming,  Tango and tmpro have pretty good coverage on bikes.

OBDSTAR also releases motorcycle special key programming devices.

How to Fix Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Shows M5 Clamp


Why my xhorse app shows my xhorse dolphin xp005 (DOLPHIN 1) to use the dolphin 2 clamp? There was a new app update. It’s happening on my phone. Everything says m5 clamp but I have dolphin 1.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Asks to Use M5 Clamp 1


Currently, M5 clamp is not yet compatible with the dolphin xp005 key cutting machine (wait for feature firmware update). It is for Condor II and Dolphin II.

If xhorse app asks to use M5 fixture after upgrade, go to Device information at bottom right-then Cutting setting then change clamp to M1/M2.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Asks to Use M5 Clamp 2

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 VW Golf Audi HU162T Key Cutting Instruction

 How to Cut VW Golf 7 hu162T with xhorse dolphin xp005 or xp005l? Dolphin does not show what type of hu162t it is.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T  1

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 2

First of all, check the key type by your eyes.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 3

VW Golf7 has HU162T 9 cuts.


Xhorse Condor/Dolphin VW Audi New HU162T 9/10 Cutting Instruction

In Key bitting, select HU162T-10 or HU162T-9
For example, HU162T-9

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 4

Select 9 cuts and Side B

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 5

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 6

After cutting the front, go back to the previous page, choose to learn or input the 3 cuts on the side of the key, and choose the D side for the clamp. At this time, a blank HU162T key blank is required to be clamped by the auxiliary clamp.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 7

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Cut VW Golf 7 HU162T 8

Can Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Cut Dimple Keys

Question: Has anyone ever cut dimple keys on an Xhorse Dolphin XP005 or dolphin XP-005L.

No, Dolphin xp005 and xp005l will not cut dimple keys.  Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin XP007 will do.


Some other frequently asked questions about xhorse key cutting machines and dimple keys:

Q: Does condor mini plus ii cut dimple keys like keso, kaba?

A: Yes it does. Require M5 clamp.


Q: What cutter to use with condor 2 to cut dimple keys?

A: Dimple cutters are optional accessories and are available separately.

condor ii dimple cutters

Q: What cutter to cut dimple keys with dolphin xp007?

A: With the original cutter in the xp007 package.

cut dimple keys with dolphin xp007

Q: Where to get cutters for dimple keys for this machine XP005?

A: No possible with xp005, go for Condor II.


Q:Which xhorse key cutting machine will cut dimple tibbe and barrel keys?

A: Condor II.



Q: Will Xhorse Condor ii customize dimple key?

A: Yes, it will.


Q: Can the Condor XC-Mini Plus II machine copy dimple keys directly and by code… e.g. Abus, Bks, etc.?

A: Yes, it can.



Q: Can the condor ii cut Yale Dimple key like this?

Yale Dimple key

A: Yes, it will.



Q: Will Condor II cut multi lock dimple keys?

A: Yes, Dolphin XP007 will do as well.

Here is an example with condor ii


Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 56 Working Solution


I got a problem with xhorse dolphin xp005 key cutting machine, axis motor is not working and app says error code 56. Any clue?

Solve Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 56 1

Solve Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 56 2

Solve Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 56 3


Solution 1:

Clean everything with solvent and don’t update it put an older version so the error is erased and don’t put the last update


Solution 2:

vacuum, clean from shavings. lift it air flip. shake. restart BRUSH. Done. Again, if happened?! Repeat, Do step one.



solution 2 works no problem. xhorse dolphin now is working properly.