ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

VVDI2 learn key VW Audi VDO NEC 2009+ -UDS

Vehicle: VW Audi Seat Skoda with VDO NEC 2009+ -UDS

Purpose: All keys successfully Learned.

Tools to use:
FIGO Simulator (flamingosimulador.com)

There’s special procedure for prepare dealer key: Menu -> Key Learn. Choose specific type for 4th immobilizer system.

Lost all key-OBD prepare key:
This function will read PIN/CS from ECU (or input PIN/CS) and prepare dealer key. The dealer key can learn to car .
After run this function, it changed 6 bytes of all 12 bytes CS in immobilizer system, so the old key can’t be used anymore, and don’t accept any key come from dealer.

Support make OEM dealer key. The OEM key can do online operation. Need special transponder.



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