If you have a Tire Pressure Monitor malfunction DTC error after programming BMW 4D/8A motorcycle keys with VVDI Key Tool Plus or VVDI2, here is the working solution.
The problem can be solved by VVDI BIM Tool or VVDI BIMTool Pro programmer.
Connect BIMTool pro with laptop and motorcycle.
Run VVDI BMW software.
Go to “Program/Code” function.
Auto detect and connect Car to retrieve vehicle information.
Select Vehicle Programming.
Make sure “target istufen lev” is the same as the “Shipment date”.
If there is no shipment date available, choose the latest one.
Click on “FEM” and press “Calculate programming file”, press Yes to confirm
The calculation is completed.
Gray areas indicate the current module version information.
Orange areas indicate the programmable version information.
Click Programming to proceed.
Auto input VIN code.
Programming finished.
No DTC display on BMW motorcycle dashboard.