ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

FAQs of Xhorse VVDI Mini Key Tool

Try to collect VVDI MINI Key tool reviews (what can it do) as well as the frequently -asked-questions (FAQ) like: Free COPY 48 96bit, Toyota H chip clone, firmware update, tokens, activation, bind and unbind, user manual etc.

  1. VVDI MINI Key tool Free COPY 48 96bit
Every mini Keytool inc free copy 48 96bit 1/day (1 year)
no need to enable by user.

id 48 96 bit activ
  1. Able to clone an Toyota H chip with mini keytool, just need the vvdi super chip
  1. Transponder 8A
Camry /Levin etc.

  1. (Newest) vvdi mini key tool firmware V1.1.1 update
Procedure is here:
mini key tool is getting updates regularly, regular key tool……… not so much

  1. How much vvdi mini key tool?
150 usd + free token for a year + free 48 96 bit authorization

  1. vvdi mini key tool calculation: How to get id 48 96 bit at the best price
machine + 48 96 bit authorization + token + delivery = final price
vvdi2: 250 + 15 + 469 + 0= 734 usd
vvdi keytool: 250 + 15 + 249 + 0 = 514 usd
vvdi mini keytool: 150 + 0 + 0 + 0 =150 usd

  1. Q: When we can add vag mqb key with this tool ??
A: as far as I know MQB keys should be ready June.

  1. Q: I read that VVDI super chip support 8c chip.
A: yes, is true.
VVDI super chip coverage
7935 (33 40 41 42 43 44)
7936 (46)
7938 (47)
7939 (49)
4D (60 63 70 80 83 72G 67 69)
4E (64)
8A  Toyota H chip/Hyundai
8E Audi/Honda

Read: VVDI Mini Key tool copy 8A 8C 8E 46 47 48 49 4D etc using super chip

  1. FAQ:
Part 1. How to bind vvdi mini key tool on the Xhorse APP?
Occasion 1: If the Xhorse APP support device, how to bind?
Occasion 2: If the Xhorse APP doesn’t support device, how to bind?

Part 2: How to unbind vvdi mini key tool on the Xhorse APP?

  1. How to Share ID48 96 Bit copy between VVDI2 and VVDI Key Tool in Xhorse App?
Check step-by-step guide here.

11. Mini keytool EU and US version, which for Australian use?
EU version better.

12.  Try to copy ID48 96bit with mini key tool. It gave me error “There is no available items for exchange” Not working? Free token for 1 years?
It comes 1 free token ONLY each day for 1 year. Provide your S/N, we’ll activate it for you.

13. VVDI mini key tool gave me error “Please the latest version of Upgrade Kit to register and bind new devices.” when copy id48 96bit.
The error indicates that you need to download and use the latest version Upgrade Kit to bind devices. You can download latest upgrade kit here:

14. Finally but not least

To be continued…

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