Here’s the guide to program smart key for VW Passat 2012 year when all keys are lost by using Xhorse VVDI2 VAG key programmer.
Step 1:
Read key tooth with Lishi HU66 2-in-1 pick/decoder and cut a spare key with Condor XC-Mini key cutting machine.
Step 2:
Connect the fuse next to the left door, 2nd on Line 1 and 1st on Line 3
Dashboard turns on at this time
Step 3:
Connect VVDI2 with vehicle
Select dash type: 2012 VDO NEC+ 24C64
Enter 03 BAS
Take a photo of /write down the long code
Step 4:
Remove instrument, find out 24C64 CPU chip, read EEPROM data with ecu programmer, i.e VVDI Prog, Yanhua CKM100 etc
Save eeprom dump.
Step 5:
Open VVDI2 VAG loader
Select Key Learn->4th generation immobilizer->Dash-NEC+24C64
Select All Keys Lost
Select Generate service pattern 24C64 EEPROM
Save eeprom (do not replace the original eeprom file)
Re-write eeprom generated in service pattern back to CPU chip and reinstall to vehicle
Step 6:
Remove the coil of the steering column, follow step 2 to turn on the dash.
Connect VVDI2, select dash type
Complete following steps to program key:
1.Dashboard turns black, complete all these steps to reset instrument
2.Read eeprom data and save
3.Read immo data and save
4.Generate dealer key
5.Reset instrument
6.Add a key
7. Perform other functions
Upload eeprom data and write eeprom
Read Immo data and save
Select Generate dealer key
Reset instrument
Add a key
Backup eeprom and immo data before key learning
Learn key. Upload immobilizer data to add a key
Remove the fuse.
Program Passat 2012 all keys lost success.
We know
Positive point: First in this work, many remote on list, additional option like “HITAG emulator”
Negative point: PRICE
Positive point: We can add this adapter to renew keys without soldering, it’s optional and NOT mandatory
Thanks to RIMKACHIP for his share:
I have vvdi key tool if you want to know if your key is good just go transponder clone and read key if you see locked not good and unlocked is ok .
for vvdi key tool no need to buy adapter use wires cable same mk3 works fine for some keys not all . If you want to know if your key is good just go transponder clone and read key if you see locked not good and unlocked is ok .
Positive point: Price around 200$
Negative point: Limited list of car
Negative point: it’s a sub for 1 year!!!
700€ including 1 year sub.
No feedback
Negative point: EXPENSIVE tool!!! Awesome and sub, limited car list,
Avdi is expensive if you don’t already have avdi basic hardware, but for people (like me) who already have avdi, adding the renew function is not expensive, but the coverage is small still.
1260€ If you have already AVDI + AMS, otherwise it’s 1260+888 = 2148€
Negative point: In addition need virgin files
RemUnlocker :
Positive point: good coverage
Negative point: the tool seem not have a user manual, and the info around the web are not much.
If i have forget some tool write it please.
Welcome for feedback and experience (good and especially bad)
Credits to didi_du_93000 (DK veteran)