ابزار Xhorse VVDI

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ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

Condor XC-Mini Key Cutting Update to V4.0.2

Dear users, this is Xhorse new update Kit for online updating.
currently support update devices as follow:
VAG Iscancar VAG MM-007   Condor XC-MINI(KM02/KM03) Condor XC-007 key cutting machine
Notes: for VVDI KEY TOOL please use new update Kit to update, don’t use old version software.


Free download Xhorse Update Kit


Update today:

Condor XC-Mini update to V4.0.2

Condor Mini (KM03) 4.0.2
+ Add universal key decode function
+ Add M2-D function
+ Add motor sensor testing function
* Modify probe/cutter detection
* Fix machine may crash error problem
* Fix HU49 key decode error
* Fix Fix HU66 cutting speed issue

Program Porsche Cayenne 08 All Keys Lost with VVDI2

Here’s the demo guide on how to program new key for Porsche Cayenne when all keys lost.

Fold keys are divided into two frequency, 315M is the ordinary fold, and 433M smart key, both of them can use write start all key lost. Below is operation procedure in detail.
For Porsche Cayenne Key Programming:
1.Dismantle the KESSY Module
Under the steering wheel to find KESSY computer, dismantle the KESSY Module. As shown below, a black box.
Open the shell, in the computer board near the CPU to find 8 pin chip, model num is 93C86. Use programmer, VVDI Prog, Xprog etc to read the data.
2.Write start key
Use TM100 Transponder Key Programmer, VVDI or other wirte start device to load the data that read from 93C86 chip. The following I use VVDI make a demo:
1)Open the VVDI2 Key Programmer Software,then select “Immo data processing tool”,”Porsche”, Car Model”Cayenne”,type”93C86″
2)Then load in the data form 93C86 Chip,VVDI2 will display the key information include “ID” and “Key Number” and so on.Put a new key into the VVDI2 coil.Click to generate dealer key,the device will generate a new 93C86 file(save it),and it will remind you that”the dealer key generate successful”.
3)Load the new 93C86 file into Xhorse VVDI2 to check 3 key information in the data as shown below.
4) Use the VVD2 write the new 93C86 file back in 93C86 chip and weld it back on KESSY Computer,assemble KESSY on your car.


How To Add New Key For Porsche Cayenne

For Porsche Cayenne made before 2004.06:
Read out immobilizer PIN,and then short circuit pin 3 to pin 7 of OBD port with 5053.
Then you can start program key

For Porsche Cayenne made from 2004.06 to 2006:
Read the immobilizer PIN by programmer,but it can not program key by common key programmer.(Only by VVDI Programmer or Original manufacturer device)

For Porsche Cayenne made from 2007 to 2010:
Some Porsche Cayenne made during this period can do key programed by VVDI device.
And for others,you need to remove the ECU,disassemble the storager chip,near CPU,typed 95160.
Read out the data file by programmer.
Open the data file.
The pin code locate at section 040 and 060,12th and 13th byte. Convert the hex system to decimalism,then you get the PIN.

Note:Before you program for next key,insert the key to ignition and turn it the “ON” position,but do not start the engine,and wait for 3 seconds,then you will sound the “beep” of unlocking.
Turn off the ignition,and then you can start programming next key.

How to Calculate Porsche Cayenne PIN Code

If you ever programmed keys for Porsche Cayenne,it needs PIN code for programming. But in some situation,you can not read out the PIN code by Key Programmer.And you must to remove the ECU,and read out the data file from a chip 95128,and then calculate data file to obtain the PIN.And here’s the guide on how to calculate PIN code for Porsche Cayenne and Tiguan 2009.
For Posche Cayenne and Tiguan made after 2009,you must remove the ECU to get the PIN code.
How to calculate PIN code:
1. Remove ECU form vehicle
2. Locate the chip 95128 near the CPU,and remove the 95128 chip from ECU PCB by soldering iron.
3. Read out the data file from 95128,and save it on the laptop.
4. Calculate the PIN code from data file.
AS below show,the 1A15 is the pin code. Convert it from hex adecimal to decimalism is 5402. 

VVDI2 VAG Program Passat 2014 All Keys Lost Guide

Here’s the guide to program smart key for VW Passat 2012 year when all keys are lost by using Xhorse VVDI2 VAG key programmer.




Step 1:

Read key tooth with Lishi HU66 2-in-1 pick/decoder and cut a spare key with Condor XC-Mini key cutting machine.


Step 2:

Connect the fuse next to the left door, 2nd on Line 1 and 1st on Line 3

Dashboard turns on at this time


Step 3:

Connect VVDI2 with vehicle

Select dash type: 2012 VDO NEC+ 24C64


Enter 03 BAS

Take a photo of /write down the long code



Step 4:

Remove instrument, find out 24C64 CPU chip, read EEPROM data with ecu programmer, i.e VVDI Prog, Yanhua CKM100 etc






Save eeprom dump.


Step 5:

Open VVDI2 VAG loader

Select Key Learn->4th generation immobilizer->Dash-NEC+24C64


Select All Keys Lost


Select Generate service pattern 24C64 EEPROM


Save eeprom (do not replace the original eeprom file)



Re-write eeprom generated in service pattern back to CPU chip and reinstall to vehicle


Step 6:

Remove the coil of the steering column, follow step 2 to turn on the dash.


Connect VVDI2, select dash type

Complete following steps to program key:

1.Dashboard turns black, complete all these steps to reset instrument

2.Read eeprom data and save

3.Read immo data and save

4.Generate dealer key

5.Reset instrument

6.Add a key

7. Perform other functions


Upload eeprom data and write eeprom



Read Immo data and save



Select Generate dealer key


Reset instrument


Add a key


Backup eeprom and immo data before key learning


Learn key. Upload immobilizer data to add a key



Remove the fuse.

Program Passat 2012 all keys lost success.





How to use VVDI2 to copy VAG ID48 Transponder key

Xhorse VVDI2 VAG ID48 transponder key chip copy authorization service is available in vvdishop.com.


How to open VVDI2 ID48 transponder key chip copy function?

Provide your VVDI2 S/N (serial number) to us and pay 100 USD for the ID48 copy authorization service.



Q: Do I need to register with condor to use the ID48 chip copy function?

A: No, don’t need to register with Condor key cutting machine.


Q: Is it required to have the authorization of the edc17 ??

A: No, no require to open edc17 authorization.


Q: Which transponder need to use?

A: You will need VVDI2 universal transponder and data collector  (shown as picture display). Will soon be available.




How to  copy 48 transponder with VVDI2?

1.Run VVDI2 Quick Start icon,and click VW car brand.Or run directly the VVDI2 Vag software icon.

2.Click Key learn>>4th immobilizer system – copy 48 transponder


3.Copy 48 procedure require PIN and component security bytes from cars.

4.Select Get component security from engine control unit via obdii.

5.Connect the emulator to VVDI2 commander and switch ON ignition with the emulator, switch OFF/ON for 3 times

(attention: it requires OBD when lost all key).

6.Decode the collected data via internet, and save the calculate 48 data. You can copy/prepare key with calculate 48 data.


7.Learn the new key with calculate 48 data. If the key was made by copy, it can start engine without key learn



Solved) VVDI2 Program key on VW Transporter UDS System

If you have Xhorse VVDI2 VAG key programmer to add dealer key on VW Transporter/Caravelle T5 2011, but not work, you must read this post, the problem is finally solved.


Problem description:

VW Transporter/Caravelle T5 2011. Had an existing working key and used Xhorse VVDI2 to make a dealer key on a UDS cluster but something went wrong or more likely I did something wrong. It says 2-2 on the cluster and lights go off as if programmed but once cranked it starts and dies and the glow plug indicator light flashes. I stripped the cluster and tried with putting the cluster in to service mode but still much the same. With AD100 it says 2 keys coded and cluster in Mode 7. A friend came with his Zedfull and recoded in both keys and it said precoding ok but still the same issue. The dump of the original 24c64 and the backup I first made are attached and I’d appreciate any advice or help on this. Thanks everyone


folder: Transporter T5 24c64 Original Read

Folder: Transporter T5

UDS Dash Info


Config: This value contain car manufacture, key number, immobilizer status (new, learned, closed), keyless or not etc.


Your immo status is likely changed, did you press the reset immo button.

When did you made the 24c64 backups.

After entering service mode true obd, or after your keylearning procedure?



The initial backup (small file)was made before I made the key but I read the 24c64 only after it wouldn’t start. Any idea how to change the config from o7 to 06 again?


Instruction guide by senior:

go in to service mode by obd.

read immo data.

change the conf 7 in to 6.

press, write immo data.

press, reset instrument.

that should do it.


Finally! Solved

Thanks everyone. Yes it was me being stupid, I think I actually wrote the 24c64 complete file back instead of the smaller immo file. Did as advised and problem solved.


