Xhorse 35160DW Chip is used to work with
VVDI Prog programmer to read chip M35080, M35080-3, M35080-6, M35080V6, M35080VP, D80D0WQ, 160D0WQ,36160WT,35128WT The manual can be applied to ST chip type: 35080XXX,35160XXX,95XXX.
Step 1. read and backup data of 3 areas (memory, LONGID, IDLOCATION) from the original dashboard IC
Step 2. write the backup-data to 3 areas on the chip
if the first two lines of the chip need change mileages, pls click on “Erase INC” on the bop right corner and then read out data
if the first two lines display all zeros, manually enter a new mileage for change
directly click on “Write” then done!
Step 3. solder the fixed chip on the dashboard to check if it starts or not, with or without a red dot