ابزار Xhorse VVDI

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ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes Solution


My xhorse dolphin xp007 manual key cutting machine workbench shakes and two handles loosen. It will not cut key properly. How to fix it?

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 1

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 2


First of all, follow solution here


If problem still exists, follow instruction below:

I. Workbench shakes

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 3

Step 1: Check if the screws are loosened.
If yes, tighten it immediately.

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 4

Step 2: Check the gap between 1 (thin-walled bearing) and 2 (shaft).
If the gap is large, the shaft needs to be replaced.

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 5

Step 3: Check the limit of 2 axes. Move the workbench to the extreme left to discover this location.
If it is loose, please tighten the 2 limit screws to withstand the limit end of the shaft.


II.  Workbench cannot move forward and backward

Step 1: Disassemble the dolphin xp-007 machine

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 6


Step 2: Check the cross slide and linear guide

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 7
Check the sides of the cross slide for scratches and bite marks.
If yes, please use a file to smooth the scratches and bite marks.

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 8

Check whether the sliding of the guide rail is stuck.

If there is stagnation, please remove the foreign matter in the gap on both sides of the guide rail, and add guide rail oil.
Still can’t slide after foreign matter is removed. It means that the internal bearing of the guide rail is stuck, and there is a quality problem with the guide rail. Next, proceed to the third step.


Tip: In general, the second step can solve the problem that the workbench cannot move forward and backward.



Step 3: Disassemble the linear guide for repair

Xhorse Dolphin XP007 Workbench Shakes solution 9

Loosen 8 screws
Push the guide rail, push the end face A of the guide rail to the position of the red line, and push the end face B of the guide rail to the position of the yellow line.
If it can be pushed, the foreign matter can be discharged by filling the guide rail with oil until the guide rail slides smoothly.
If the guide rail still cannot be pushed, please restore the device and return it to the factory for repair.



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