ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

Does VVDI Key Tool Plus Have Sreenshot Function?

 I want to screenshot with the xhorse key tool plus. But I don’t find the function.

Take Screenshot with VVDI Key Tool Plus 1

Pull down from the top in the screen and you will see the screenshot icon as well as other settings, WiFi, Bluetooth, Light, Flight mode etc.
Take Screenshot with VVDI Key Tool Plus 2

Xhorse King Card Install Battery and Review

 Just got the latest Xhorse King Card recently. Cause I always replace battery of VVDI Remotes before giving to the customer, so following I’m gonna disassemble the King Card. Then go on to have a test review.

Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 1


Replace Xhorse King Card Battery

  1. Use a knife to prise open the lid of King Card;
Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 2


  1. Use thin blade to loose the lid along the edge;
Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 3


  1. Pull apart the lid.
Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 4


As you can see, there are 2 built-in batteries in Xhorse King Smart Card. Generally speaking, smart remote key only has one battery inside. That means this King Card has longer service time than normal remote.


So I should replace 2 batteries as well. You guys may refer to this method for future battery replacement.

Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 5


Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 OK in Min

It is said Xhorse King Card can work as a smart remote key. Thus, VVDI Key Tool Max should work for it.

Kind Card is too large to put into Key Tool Max coil, just put it on.


Go to detect frequency firstly.

Successfully detected.

It’s FSK 433.98 MHz frequency.

Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 6


Test remote function.

Select “Rnault Kadjar ID46 KeylessGo ID46(type2) >> Generate remote”


Done. Perfect work in minute.

Generate Renault Kadjar ID46 Remote via Xhorse King Card 7


Many customers don’t know which model of vehicles can it work for. In my opinion, as long as the vehicle supports smart remote key, then it works.


This is Xhorse King Card review from today’s quick test.


Possible to use VVDI2 to Read BMW CAS3 with CAS Plug?

 Is it possible to read CAS3 in bank with godiag gt100 and xhorse vvdi2? I’m trying and I couldn’t.




Yes, with xhorse CAS plug.


Using Cas3 adapter or bench vvdi prog soldering easy.

If it’s CAS3+ or CAS3++. You’d better dump eeprom by adapters or soldering.

This is the diagram however it’s better to solder to obtain the EEE and Flash save first and play with the module until your heart is content.


Or Connect with the JBBFE.


 You can have xhorse cas plug or make you own cable like this
BMW CAS3 in action with VVDI2 and CAS adapter
The device acts as gateway.



with an actual gateway this time




BMW CAS3 in action with vvdi key tool plus and CAS plug
Your device acts as gateway.







How to Generate VVDI Super Chip as PCF7935?

 First time I tried to generate an xhorse vvdi super chip as a PCF7935 but it didn’t work with the Alfa Romeo 166. Then i generate the xt27 as ID44 Volkswagen. That’s how it worked.

1. Generate super chip as ID44 Volkswagen
Insert super chip into vvdi key tool max
identify chip type PCF7936
Go to Generate transponder function
Generate as ID44 Volkswagen

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 1

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 2

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 3

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 4

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 5

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 6

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 7

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 8

Generate remote success

2. Write key with VVDI2

Now you can write key with vvdi2
insert super chip into vvdi2
Go to Immobilizer Data Tool
Upload EEPROM data
Make dealer key
Select PCF7935
Program dealer key success
Now the key can start car

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 9

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 10

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 11

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 12

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 13

Generate VVDI Super Chip as Afla PCF7935 14

Read also: Tips to write Super Chip as PCF7935 to BMW

How to Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key with VVDI Key Tool Plus?

 Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus can program a new key for 2015 Hyundai Sonata via OBD successfully. Following I will use an Xhorse Wired Remote as a demonstration.


Program Remote

Pop the back of key, take circuit board out to plug into VVDI Key Tool Plus.

Remote Program >> Asia >> Hyundai >> All remotes >> Sonata 4f16 >> Generate

Writing data…

Generate success.

VVDI Key Tool Plus Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key 1

VVDI Key Tool Plus Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key 2

VVDI Key Tool Plus Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key 3

Program IMMO

Put a battery into the key, and go to car for next step programming.

Connect Xhorse Key Tool Plus with car OBD,

Immo programming >> Asia >> Hyundai >> Select by model >> US market >> Sonata(LFA) >> 2015-2018 >> Remote key adaptation


Put the key in, and turn ignition on.

Turn ignition off.

Press LOCK & UNLOCK together to match remote.


VVDI Key Tool Plus Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key 4

VVDI Key Tool Plus Program 2015 Hyundai Sonata Key 5

Test the key, it does work.

This is how to use a wired remote & VVDI Key Tool Plus to program 2015 Hyundai Sonata successfully.
