ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

ابزار Xhorse VVDI

Xhose VVDI نرم افزار برنامه نویس اصلی و سخت افزار

SEC-E9 vs. Condor Dolphin which is better?

The answer to the question depends on your needs , forget for now cheap or expensive , and look at what you need it for ;
Before deciding to buy xhorse Dolphin or sec-e9, please ask yourself these questions:
are you looking to cut occasional keys , a lot of keys ?
do you want updates and latest keyways first ?
do you want a machine for now or a machine for many years ?
do you want a machine that holds its value so you get a decent rate when you sell on rather than a worthless bit of kit , decide what you want and what coverage you want reliably then fit the right machine to your needs

HERE is the biggest factor you will want to look at right now
copies most type of key

kukai sec-e9/9z YES

xc-mini/dolphin YES

cuts car keys

kukai sec-e9/9z YES

xc-mini/dolphin YES

cuts house keys by code

kukai sec-e9 YES
xc-mini/dolphin NO cannot…….

can do engraving
kukai sec-e9/9z YES
xc-mini/dolphin NO

work with your phone
kukai sec-e9: No
Xhorse dolphin: YES
Has option for battery
kukai sec- E9/E9z: No
Xhorse dolphin: YES

Dolphin is half price than E9 and do much less than kukai sec- E9
can cut dimple keys (xhorse cant do)

can cut tubular keys (xhorse cant do)

can cut house keys(xhorse cant do)

can cut old GM 6 cut single side key(xhorse cant do)

can cut cabinet key y11 to code (xhorse cant do)

can engrave key with phone/logo whatever(xhorse cant do)

If you make 70 keys for Mercedes with free tokens Dolphin comes free

ok now here is where they get you tho the clamps and extras

High Security Automotive Clamp and BONUS: HU66 Clamp for VW, Audi and Porsche

so you get two clamps

and there are a few more

engraving clamp 300

single sided clamp 200

home dimple clamp 300

tubular key clamp 195

tibbe key clamp 150

mercedes h64 clamp 99

hu162t vw clamp 99

one side toy2 adapter 99

sip22 fca adapter 99
and another 100 in cutters for those
that’s almost another 1700 dollars in extra clamps you would need to get to kit this out

xhorse has the m3 jaw and the m4 jaw.

And more…
xhorse Dolphin test reports:

  1. I have it. Till now cut hu64 keys and a couple of sip22 from fiat, 1 hu66 and work ok

  1. It doesn’t need constant internet connection.
internet is need only to register app and login APp , and download database
then you can be offline
also if you cut one side key , after Dolphin start cutting , you can disconnect tablet / phone and it will finish cut
if you have 2 side key , and you disconnect tablet / phone during key cutting , Dolphin will cut one side , and to start cut another side you need reconnect.

Xhorse Dolphin in stock here:

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